Introducing Anne Williams

your therapist

Anne Williams is the hypnotherapist at the centre of Transforming Health. People usually want to know more about the person they will be working with before taking the next step, so here, Anne tells you about her background, experience and approach.

Once you have had a look around the website, though, the next best step to find out more is to pick up the phone and call her!

My Qualifications and Experience

I have a diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy, having studied at the UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, and I am a member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy.   I have done specialist training in hypnosis for pregnancy and childbirth (hypnobirthing), smoking cessation and working with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

My training combines cognitive behavioural techniques (CBT) with hypnotherapy, meaning that I draw on a range of approaches that have been demonstrated by scientific research to be effective.  I have also undertaken extensive NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) training, studying how we formulate and can change patterns thinking, feeling and belief, much of which has evolved out of the principles of hypnotherapy.  I am an accredited NLP Master Practitioner and NLP Coach.

My Approach

Hypnotherapy is a collaborative process.  I see my role as guiding you to achieve the changes you want to make, but ultimately I believe you are the expert on yourself and you have an important role to play in shaping your therapy. 

As part and parcel of your hypnotherapy, my aim is to equip you with practical skills that you can use to help whatever issue you want to deal with, and which will be helpful in other areas of your life.  This could include relaxation techniques, stress management, assertiveness skills and self-hypnosis.  I provide all clients with at least one CD or mp3 recording, so that they can reinforce what we do in sessions and continue to have support when their therapy has finished. 

Finally, coaching is integral to my approach, to help you choose the solutions and practical steps that will work best for you.

My Background

Before training as a hypnotherapist, I was working as a business and personal coach, specialising in the management of people and career change.  I was prompted to train as a hypnotherapist while working with one particular client, for whom lack of confidence was a fundamental issue.  I realised that coaching would certainly help her on one level, but from my knowledge of NLP, I felt that hypnotherapy would be quicker and more effective for her.

Prior to working as a coach, I had a career in Human Resources, originally working for British Telecom in a variety of personnel roles and as a management trainer.  After a year’s voluntary work in Africa, I became a business adviser, helping organisations to implement best practice in people management and development.  I also worked as an assessor for the Investors in People national quality standard.

Please get in touch to see how I can help you.
Book a free 30-minute consultation or send me a message.

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