Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Are you just putting up with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but wish you didn’t have to?

You may be one of the many people with IBS who suffer in silence. Often people feel embarrassed talking about it and just try to organise their lives around it as best they can. IBS may not be life-threatening, but it’s certainly life-challenging. Maybe you fear going out unless you know exactly where there will be toilets in easy reach.

You may be like the many sufferers of IBS who severely restrict their social life, or are held back at work, because you’re constantly worried that you might not be able to get to a toilet in time. Maybe you just accept that you need different size clothes to cope with times when the bloating is really bad. Maybe you have got used to feeling tired all the time, when you sleep badly and when you get stomach cramps and back ache. The symptoms of IBS vary from person to person, but especially when you’ve had them for a long time, they can be really depressing.

Don’t suffer in silence anymore!

There is more you can do to help manage the symptoms of IBS.  You might well have tried the classic treatments of peppermint tablets, or endless anti-spasmodics and anti-diarrhoeals, or eliminating certain foods from your diet.  They can certainly be of some benefit, but you may have found that they don’t go far enough.

If so, you should definitely consider hypnotherapy.

IBS isn’t just a physical condition, it has psychological elements to it as well

Although it’s generally thought that stress doesn’t cause IBS, stress can trigger and make the symptoms worse. Research has also shown that people suffering from IBS often put a lot of pressure on themselves and can tend to be perfectionists, self-critical, very conscientious and take on a lot of responsibility. That’s why some of the things you may already have done to help with your symptoms might not have been as effective as you would like. Hypnotherapy has been shown to help with both the physical symptoms and the psychological elements of IBS.

Hypnotherapy is approved by NICE as a treatment for IBS

What even your doctor may not realise is that hypnotherapy is approved by NICE (the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) as a treatment for IBS.  As you may be aware, NICE recommends to the NHS how to care for people with different health problems, and only recommends treatments if there is very good evidence that they work.

NICE guidelines state that hypnotherapy is able to bring about a ‘significant improvement in symptoms’ for sufferers of IBS.  This is based on the findings of a number of clinical research studies and trials. You can find more information about the NICE guidelines and a useful quick reference guide on IBS on the NICE website:

Top Tips on Managing Your IBS

Find out how you can transform your IBS with the Transforming Health guide ‘Help for IBS – Beyond Diet‘.  Scroll down or click here to request your free copy.


Imagine what it would be like to be free of the symptoms of IBS

Would it mean that you could:

  • Go anywhere you wanted, whenever you liked, without worrying about finding a toilet
  • Really enjoy eating again
  • Have regular, refreshing sleep
  • Be full of energy
  • Feel completely comfortable all through your body
  • Get your life back to enjoy being with family and friends
  • Be confident enough to do new things

Typically, an average of six sessions of hypnotherapy could help you get the upper hand on your IBS.

If you have a diagnosis of IBS from your doctor and want to find out how hypnotherapy could help you, contact Anne Williams.

Free 30-minute phone/Zoom consultation

To find out more, click here to contact Anne Williams.

Or book a free, no-obligation 30 minute phone or Zoom consultation :

Book a free 30-minute consultation.

Here’s what past clients have said:

“I’d been suffering from IBS for 12 years before I heard that hypnotherapy could help and I contacted Anne. What was really helpful about the hypnotherapy sessions was the holistic approach that Anne took – dealing with stress, anxiety and negative thinking, as well as food.

My IBS symptoms have now cleared, with one or two exceptions, and I’m much calmer in the face of stress. The sessions with Anne gave me the bigger picture: reasons why the IBS was happening. This realisation led to working out what to do about it. I feel more confident and have a better understanding of why I react in certain situations.”

Helen Turnbull, writer

Download your free guide:

‘Help for IBS – Beyond Diet’ 

This guide will show you practical things you can do immediately to help with your IBS. I’ll also send you follow-up emails with information and tips on how to reduce and manage your IBS symptoms.
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