Do you ever listen to the Radio 4 programme ‘I’ve Never Seen Star Wars’?  In it, celebrity guests are persuaded to try new things that they’ve never done before.  This Tuesday, it was the turn of double Olympic gold medal winner Dame Kelly Holmes.  A self-confessed chocoholic, Dame Kelly had never made anything with chocolate.  Live on air, with help from a professional chef, she whipped up a chocolate fondant pudding, judged to be “gorgeous”.  She gave the experience of making a chocolate pudding 10 out of 10 and was equally enthusiastic after she was challenged to try a deep-fried Mars bar and a chocolate-covered scorpion for the first time.

Fear of drowning  After all the chocolate, the show’s host Marcus Brigstocke, went on to ask Dame Kelly about her fear of drowning.  She had had nightmares about it since she was little and had never swum properly until she was 18 and had to swim 25 meters to pass Army basic training.  She described how she only just managed it, by sheer determination to join the No swimmingArmy and half hanging on to another girl.

Hypnotherapy to overcome fear of water  The next new thing that Dame Kelly had tried for the show was hypnotherapy to overcome her fear of water and drowning.  She rated her fear as 20 on a scale of 0 to 10 before the hypnotherapy.  She said she had been sceptical about hypnotherapy at first, but went along and had found the process relaxing and straightforward.  After the hypnotherapy, she set off for her local swimming pool to test it out.  Although a bit nervous as she approached the pool, she dived straight in.  With a friend teaching her front crawl, she talked delightedly about how she was able to swim a 25 meter length and then five more.  Dame Kelly’s rating for hypnotherapy?  10 out of 10!

Do you have a fear of water or other phobia?  If so, don’t suffer with it any longer!  Why not find out how hypnotherapy can help you, like it helped Dame Kelly – contact me on 0208 546 2122 or e-mail .

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