How to Keep your New Year’s Resolutions
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions this year? If so, you’re in good company. A couple of weeks into 2015, how are you doing on them? If you’re not doing too well, or you’ve given up on them already, you’re also in good company....
Stop snacking and lose weight
Do you find yourself constantly drawn to sweets, chocolate, crisps, cakes and biscuits? If you find them hard to resist, is it starting to show up around your waistline, hips or other parts of your body and making it difficult for you to lose weight? Never before...
Dame Kelly Holmes rates hypnotherapy 10/10
Do you ever listen to the Radio 4 programme ‘I’ve Never Seen Star Wars’? In it, celebrity guests are persuaded to try new things that they’ve never done before. This Tuesday, it was the turn of double Olympic gold medal winner Dame Kelly...
Can’t sleep? How hypnotherapy can help insomnia
Sleep – simply essential People need sleep to function effectively and most of us need 6 to 8 hours of sleep every single night. If we lose just a single night of sleep, we can generally recover within just a few days, but long term difficulty in sleeping...
The serious effect on health of sleep problems – new research
Did you see ‘The Truth About Sleep’ on BBC1 last week? It gave a fascinating insight into the latest research on the health problems that insomnia and sleep problems can cause. According to a survey by the Medical Health Foundation, a third of us suffer...
The worst foods for IBS
WHICH FOODS TRIGGER YOUR IBS? You may already be all too aware of which foods and drinks make your IBS symptoms worse. Sometimes, though, I’ve had clients come to me, who found it difficult to pinpoint which foods were the culprits. What’s become clear...
Can probiotics help IBS?
THE ENEMY (AND FRIENDS) WITHIN There’s more and more research coming out about the importance of gut bacteria. It seems that they don’t just sit in your gut, minding their own business. They can have a huge impact on your health, as recent studies into...
How to Survive and Thrive During Lockdown and Beyond – Part 2
A recipe for physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing for COVID-19 times and any time In my last blog post, I started talking about the underlying reason why so many people are struggling during lockdown. It’s the same reason why people were having...